The Back-to-School Round Up: Tips for a Smooth Transition! 

Summer break is winding down, and the back-to-school season is upon us! While it can be bittersweet to say goodbye to lazy days, the start of a new school year brings excitement, and fresh opportunities. To ensure a smooth transition, here’s a round-up of helpful tips, with a special focus on uniforms: 

1. Uniform Check: 

  • Inventory: Pull out last year’s uniforms. What still fits, what’s grown out of, what needs replacing? Make a detailed list. 
  • School’s Rules: Double-check the uniform policy for any changes.  
  • Shop Smart: Start early to avoid the rush. Consider buying slightly larger sizes for growing kids, and look for sales or used uniforms. 
  • Label Everything: It’s amazing how many lost items end up in the school’s lost and found. Labeling helps get things back to their rightful owner. Visit Mabel’s Labels to order your set today! 

2. Get in the Spirit: 

  • Ease into a Routine: Start adjusting sleep schedules a week or two before school starts to avoid those early morning struggles. 
  • Excitement: Talk about the fun parts of going back: seeing friends, learning new things, etc. A positive attitude is contagious! 

Remember, getting ready for school is a process. Take it step by step, and don’t hesitate to ask for help from other parents, teachers, or school staff. Here’s to a fantastic school year ahead!